Official Website

Gravina 51 Hotel Contact Sevilla

Gravina 51 Hotel Contact

Solve any of your issues

The Hotel Gravina 51’s contact page provides you with all main contact points so that we can resolve your doubts, queries or questions. We will be delighted to attend to you in a personalised way via email, telephone, by post... or even, if you wish, via the following web form. We are always at your service and available at all times on our official website at the Gravina 51 Hotel.


Location: Calle Gravina, 51

phone: (+34) 954 217 501

whatsapp: (+34) 608 00 97 53


Last name
The road less traveled
Hidden from the hustle and bustle of the city and between crossroads in the Old Town, you can hear whispers of love stories in its streets. You can leave your Sevillian palace in any direction to discover some gems such as the Triana bridge, the Cathedral, the market, the Maestranza bullfighting, bars and terraces brimming with joy of living