Official Website

Gravina 51 Hotel Cookies policy

Cookies policy


Cookies policy:

In accordance with Spanish law 34/2002, dated 11 July, regulating Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we hereby notify you that this website uses cookies to improve and optimise users’ experience. In what follows you will find detailed information about what cookies are, what kinds of cookie are used on this website, how to change your cookie settings and what will happen if you turn them off.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you visit certain websites. Cookies enable a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about users’ browsing habits and their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way in which you use your equipment, they may be used to recognise the user.

What kinds of cookie does this website use?

Depending on the entity that manages them, the cookies may be:

• Same-site cookies: These are cookies that are sent to the interested party’s terminal from equipment, or a domain managed by the content publisher and from which the service requested by the user is rendered.

• Third-party cookies: These are cookies that are sent to the user’s terminal from equipment or a domain that is not managed by the content publisher, but by another entity which processes the data obtained through cookies.

This website uses both its own and third-party cookies.

Depending on the time they remain active:

• Session cookies: This is a kind of cookie designed to collect and store data while the user is accessing a website. They are usually used to store information that only needs to be kept to provide the service requested by the user on a single occasion (e.g. a list of purchases).

• Persistent cookies: This is a kind of cookie where the data remain stored in the terminal and may be accessed and processed during a period determined by the entity responsible for the cookie, and may range from a few minutes to various years.

This website uses both persistent and session cookies.

For what purposes may the website’s cookies be used?

• Technical cookies: These are cookies that enable the user to browse a website, platform or application and to use the various options and services that it offers, such as controlling the traffic and communication of data, identifying the session, accessing restricted areas, remembering the elements that constitute an order, executing the purchase of an order, executing a registration request or participation in an event, using security elements during browsing, storing content for the sharing of videos or sound or sharing content through social media.

• Personalisation cookies: These are cookies that enable the user to access the service with some characteristics of a general predefined nature depending on a series of criteria on the user’s terminal such as language, the type of browser being used to access the service, the regional configuration from which the service is being accessed, etc.

• Analytical cookies: These are cookies that enable the entity responsible for them to monitor and analyse the behaviour of the users of the websites to which they are linked. The information collected through this kind of cookie is used to measure the activity of websites, applications and platforms and to draw up users’ browser profiles for such sites, applications and platforms, with the goal of introducing improvements in accordance with the analysis of the usage data created by the service users.

• Advertising cookies: These are cookies that enable, in the most efficient way possible, the management of the advertising spaces that, if applicable, the content publisher may include in the website, application or platform from which the requested service is delivered, depending on criteria such as the content offered and the frequency with which the ads are shown.

• Behavioural advertising cookies: These are cookies that enable, in the most efficient way possible, the management of the advertising spaces that, if applicable, the content publisher may include in the website, application or platform from which the requested service is delivered. These cookies store information about users’ behaviour stemming from continuous observation of their browsing habits, enabling a specific profile to be created to show advertising that matches the profile.

Same-site cookies

Cookie Name Description Provider Expiration
NewDispoParams Cookie used to store the data of the user's last availability search 1 Month
sessionid This is a very generic cookie name that may have different purposes on different sites, but generally it will be some kind of anonymous session 1 Hour
csrftoken This cookie is associated with the Django web development platform for Python. It is designed to help protect a site against at particular type of software attack on web forms. 1 Year
partner Cookie used to know if the client is coming from an associated page 1 Month

Third-party cookies: Provided by third parties.
Cookie Name Description Provider Expiration
Google Analytics Google Analytics cookies. They generate an anonymous user ID, which is used to count how many times a user visits the site. It also records when was the first and last time you visited the web. Likewise, it calculates when a session has ended, the origin of the user, and keywords. Google More info at Google Analytics

What happens if cookies are blocked?

Some functionalities of the services and parts of this website may not work correctly if cookies are blocked.

Do we update our Cookies Policy?
We may update our website’s Cookies Policy, which is why we recommend that this policy is checked every time you access our website in order to be appropriately informed about how and for what purposes we use cookies.

How can cookies be configured?

By browsing and remaining on our website you will be giving your consent to the use of cookies on the terms contained in this Cookies Policy. As a user you have the possibility of exercising your right to block, delete or reject the use of cookies, at all times, by changing the settings on your browser. For example:

• Microsoft Edge: Settings> Advanced settings> Cookies.

Consult Microsoft Support or Help on the browser.

• Mozilla Firefox: Tools> Options> Privacy> History> Personalised Settings.

Consult  Mozilla Support or Help on the browser.

• Google Chrome: Settings> Show advanced options > Privacy> Content settings.

Consult  Google Supportor Help on the browser.

• Safari (Apple): Preferences> Security.

Consult Apple Supportor Help on the browser.

• Opera (Opera Software): Settings > Options > Advanced > Cookies

Consult Opera Support or Help on the browser.

If you use another browser, check its cookie installation, use and blocking policy. By using the tool however you may find useful information enabling you to configure your cookie preferences on a site-by-site basis.

Is there anything else, apart from cookies?

It is possible for websites to use other forms of storage similar to cookies but with greater capacity, such as other ways of storing data locally on the user’s equipment, for example:

• HTML5 localStorage and sessionStorage: space that the website can use on the user’s device. Normally they can be deleted by deleting browsing history.

• Flash “Local Shared Objects” (Silverlight “isolated storage”): these are stored within the Microsoft file that has the user profile. It is necessary to enter the file and delete it. (For example, Vimeo videos). Flash is a way of incorporating multimedia elements into a website, and for this it stores files on the user’s device.

• Web beacons are a means of tracking your activity, inserting a mini-image of which you are not even aware. When you browse a website, it loads alongside the page and the server from which you downloaded the photo, recording the time of access and the number of times you have accessed it.

These files are more intrusive than cookies, being more difficult to delete and storing more information, and are independent of the browser being used. We do not use this kind of storage.